Smart Meters

Smart Meters: Bringing Benefits to Our Electric Customers

Nearly all PSE&G electric customers now have a smart meter installed at their home or business*. These devices are central to our vision for a future where we help you use less energy, ensure that the energy you use is cleaner, and deliver that energy more reliably than ever.

*If you do not have a smart meter yet, click here.

By clicking on the boxes below, you can get details about smart meters, learn how you can view your electric usage and save energy and money using MyMeter and find answers to commonly asked questions.

About Smart Meters

Smart meters are devices that send near real-time electric-use information from our customers’ homes and businesses to PSE&G via a secure communications network.

They are part of our Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), which creates a secure, two-way communications system between electric customers and PSE&G.  This allows us to deliver even better customer service and provide our residential and business electric customers with a wide variety of benefits, including:

  • Near real-time meter reading
  • The elimination of almost all estimated electric bills
  • Access to more detailed electric use information via the MyMeter portal
  • Near real-time power outage detection
  • More efficient power restoration following storms
  • Lower PSE&G carbon dioxide emissions due to fewer repair-truck dispatches and other operational energy savings


In the future, smart meters will also allow PSE&G to enable more renewable energy projects and more robust energy efficiency efforts.

Smart Meter Safety and Cybersecurity

Smart meters are safe. They use low power radio frequency (RF) that is generally far less than RF used by devices already in the home such as baby monitors, cell phones, microwaves, TVs and wireless routers.

Smart meters do not collect, store or transmit any personal information.

PSE&G has a comprehensive cybersecurity plan to protect the data that the smart meters do collect, and we will only use this information to provide better service to customers. PSE&G will not sell this data to third parties.

Smart Meter Installations

During the past several years, PSE&G has communicated with our electric customers to inform them that we are installing smart meters and to encourage them to make an installation appointment when necessary.

While PSE&G has completed most smart meter installations, residential electric customers who do not yet have a smart meter can still have one installed. Business electric customers are required to have a smart meter.

To arrange a smart meter installation appointment, call 908-325-4020.  Representatives are available Monday – Friday from 8:00am to 8:00pm.

Please note:

  • If you are a residential electric customer and you do not have a smart meter installed, and you do not make an installation appointment, you will be charged a $12 monthly fee starting in January 2025. 
  • Business customers are required to have a smart meter installed as a condition of receiving electric service, per PSE&G’s Smart Meter Program, which was approved by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU).  Business electric customers who do not make a smart meter installation appointment are at risk of having their service shut-off.



Providing customers with enhanced electric-use information is a primary benefit of smart meters. To help you save energy and money, we encourage you to access the features and benefits available in the online MyMeter portal.

MyMeter is available to all electric customers with a smart meter installed at their home or business.  It’s easy to access. Just log into or register for My Account or access it through our mobile app.

MyMeter provides a detailed view of how you use electricity in a variety of user-friendly ways.  It also offers a number of tools and resources to help you manage your electric use.  With MyMeter, you can:

  • View electric use by time & date intervals - from 15-minutes to monthly views
  • Create energy-use thresholds and receive usage alerts
  • Set energy markers to note significant events related to electric usage
  • Get helpful energy-saving tips and easily download electric usage data
  • Access PSE&G energy efficiency programs and complete an online Home Energy Assessment - residential customers only
  • Use the built-in Rate Comparator Tool – residential customers only
  • Participate in an Energy Saving Challenge – business customers only
  • View your customer property profile - business customers only