New Customers
From all of us at PSE&G, we’d like to welcome you as a new customer!
We look forward to serving you and providing you with an excellent customer experience.
New Business Customers: Our Welcome Toolkit offers plenty of resources to help you manage your business's energy needs. Go Now.
Customer Bill of Rights
Understand your rights as a residential utility customer in the state of New Jersey. Translations available in multiple languages.
Understand Your Bill
Learn how PSE&G calculates your energy charges.
Pay My Bill
PSE&G offers a variety of options to pay your bill online, by phone, in person, or by mail.
Meter Reading
Log into My Account to enter a meter reading or take and upload a picture of your meter.
Save Energy. Save Money.
At PSE&G, we work hard to keep energy costs low. We've also got tips, tools and programs to help you manage your monthly energy usage and costs.
Life-Sustaining Equipment
If you or a member of your household rely on electricity to operate life-sustaining equipment, it’s important that you notify us.
Suspect a Gas Leak?
Stay safe and know what to do if there’s gas leak.
Lose Power?
Text OUT to 4PSEG (47734), report online through My Account, or call 1-800-436-PSEG (7734).
This free notification system lets you report outages and receive outage updates or payment reminders via text or email.
We're committed to helping you keep your family and home safe.
Emergency Preparedness and
Storm Safety
Emergencies happen. When severe weather's predicted we've got you covered.
Our priority is to provide you with safe, reliable energy.
WorryFree® Appliance Service
Timely, reliable repair, replacement, or protection services.