EV Residential Charging Program
Ready for EV Charging?
Residential Smart Charging:
- Eligible Customers can receive an on-bill credit of up to $1,500 per charger toward the cost of upgrading Customer-Side Make-Ready (CSMR) assets for the installation of EV charging hardware.
NOTE: Customers are responsible for the cost of the EV charging unit itself.
- PSE&G’s EV Trade Ally Program is now available. More information can be found in the FAQ section below.
- Customers can qualify for a reduction of up to $5,000 in any required customer deposit for Utility-Side Make-Ready (USMR) work performed by PSE&G to support the additional electric load in a safe, reliable manner.
- Once enrolled in the program, customers may receive an Off-Peak Charging credit for charging during off-peak periods to help reduce costs.
- Off-peak periods are defined as 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. (EST) Monday–Friday, and all day on Saturday and Sunday.
- The Off-Peak Charging credit is approximately $0.105/kWh. Prior to June 1, 2023, the Off-Peak Charging credit was approximately $0.02/kWh.
- Customers with a third party supplier (TPS) will only receive the distribution portion of the Off-Peak Charging Credit. In this case, the credit will continue to be approximately $0.02/kWh.
- Any charging during on-peak hours will decrease your total off-peak charging credit.
Make-Ready Eligibility Requirements
- Customer must have an ENERGY STAR® certified Level 2 charger accompanied with an approved vehicle from the Ev.energy Vehicle Eligibility List. Alternatively, if the customer does not have an approved vehicle, the ENERGY STAR® certified Level 2 charger must be “smart.”
- To be considered a “smart” charger, a charging station must be capable of sending and receiving communications via Wi-Fi or a cellular network.
- Find a list of ENERGY STAR® certified chargers here. Chargers manufactured prior to January 18, 2023, are not required to meet ENERGY STAR® certification.
- Customer must be in PSE&G New Jersey electric service territory.
- Customer must use a New Jersey-licensed electrician or select an approved EV Trade Ally for the EV smart charger installation.
- The EV charger must be connected to a single residential meter.
- The customer’s PSE&G account must be in good financial standing (no shut-off notice).
- Customer must obtain and submit the required documents:
- Photo of charger serial number
- Paid electrician invoice
- Copy of charger invoice
- Municipal permit inspection verification (along with permit costs)
- Chargers installed on or before Jan. 27, 2021, are not eligible for the Make-Ready incentives from the EV Charging Program, but are still eligible to receive the Off-Peak Charging credit.
NOTE: Customers are responsible for the cost of the EV charging unit itself.
Off-Peak Charging Credit Eligibility Requirements
- Customer must be on the Residential Service (RS) tariff rate. Customers on the Residential Load Management (RLM) tariff rate already receive the benefit of off-peak rate reduction and do not qualify for the Off-Peak Charging credit incentive offered through this program. For more on rates, please visit Understanding My Bill.
- Customers must be using an ENERGY STAR® Certified Level 2 smart charger from the PSE&G approved ENERGY STAR® Certified Level 2 smart charger list (see below for an overview of the eligible charging hardware) or have an approved vehicle from the Ev.energy Vehicle Eligibility List accompanied with any ENERGY STAR® Certified Level 2 charger.
- Customer must agree to provide EV charging data to PSE&G. To note, PSE&G will collect the data directly from the charger or vehicle.
Additional Information:
- It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure the vehicle or charger is successfully sharing data to avoid interruptions in receiving off-peak charging credits.
- The customer must inform PSE&G if their charger or vehicle is replaced or not in use.
- The customer must inform PSE&G of any password changes associated with their vehicle account.
- Customers who have both an eligible vehicle and an eligible charger (and complete the authorizations for each to connect to the off-peak charging program), will default to sharing data through the eligible vehicle telematics.
Eligible Charging Hardware:
- ChargePoint residential and commercial Level 2 smart chargers.
- Customers with a non-eligible vehicle and a ChargePoint charger must connect their ChargePoint device to the data-sharing network to begin receiving Off-Peak Charging credits.
** EnelX charging hardware is no longer accepted for Off-Peak Charging credits.
Eligible Vehicles:
- Click here to see the list of approved vehicles.
- Customers with an eligible vehicle(s) will be required to register with our telecommunications vendor, Rolling Energy Resources, to begin receiving Off-Peak Charging credits.
NOTE: Some vehicle manufacturers require a subscription fee to share data. To determine if your vehicle manufacturer requires a subscription fee, click here.
- For frequently asked questions regarding RER, click here.
- If you need assistance registering your vehicle, you can use this RER vehicle guide.
Thank you for your interest in PSE&G’s EV Charging Program. We are happy to help you on your electrification journey.
Please note that the entire process to receive your rebate can take up to three months. This timeline enables PSE&G to assess the electric service to your home and ensure that we can maintain safe, reliable service.
We thank you in advance for your patience.
By submitting an EV application, you are applying for both the make-ready incentives and off-peak charging credits. If you are interested in receiving off-peak charging incentives only, please select this option in the Charger Information section of your EV application.
Step 1: Application Created
Customer submits an application with a copy of their charger receipt through the EV Portal.
All customers will receive an email that their application has been created.
** At this time, PSE&G reviews eligibility criteria. PSE&G will review the charger and/or vehicle make/model to determine whether the application meets the program eligibility criteria.
Step 2: Customer Submits Required Documentation
Pre-qualified customers will receive an email asking for the required supporting documents to be uploaded to their EV Portal, including:- Photo of charger serial number
- Paid electrician invoice
- Copy of charger invoice (unless previously uploaded)
- Municipal permit inspection verification (along with permit costs)
Once all documents are SAVED to the Portal, the customer must SUBMIT their documents to initiate a review. Please do not hit SUBMIT until all documents have been saved to your application.
** Concurrent with the EV program review, all pre-qualified applications will undergo an engineering evaluation. PSE&G will determine if upgrades must be made to a property’s utility assets to support the additional electric load from the EV charger in a safe, reliable manner. If any action is required on your part, a PSE&G construction representative will contact you directly.
Please note: the entire process typically takes up to three months. This timeline ensures that PSE&G can maintain safe, reliable service. We appreciate your patience. **
Step 3: PSE&G Documentation Review
The PSE&G EV Team will review the customer’s documents and will contact the customer if any follow-up information is required (see Step 4). All documentation must be approved by the EV Team before the customer can be enrolled to the program.
Step 4: Additional Information Required (if needed)
As noted above, depending on the documentation review, more information may be required. If so, the PSE&G EV Team will contact the customer via email.
Step 5: Enrolled
Once all required documents are received and approved, the customer is successfully enrolled in the EV Charging Program. The rebate incentive will be applied to the customer’s bill within one to two billing cycles.Off-Peak Charging Credit
Please refer to our website for the eligibility criteria for the Off-Peak Charging Program.
Eligible residential customers will be notified by PSE&G’s third-party vendor with instructions on how to connect your charger or vehicle to initiate collection of your charging data. Once PSE&G starts receiving your data, the Off-Peak Charging credit will be applied to your account approximately two billing cycles after your connection date. Please note: Off-Peak Charging credits are applied on a one-month lag.
Additional Information:
- Customers with an eligible vehicle(s) will be required to register with our telecommunications vendor, Rolling Energy Resources, to begin receiving Off-Peak Charging credits.
- Customers with a non-eligible vehicle and a ChargePoint charger must connect their charging device to the data-sharing network to begin receiving Off-Peak Charging credits.
- ** EnelX charging hardware is no longer accepted for the Off-Peak Charging credits. Applications submitted prior to December 1, 2023, are exempt. **
Contact Us
Please contact the PSE&G EV Team if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.
PSEG-Electric.Vehicles@pseg.com, or by phone at 1-800-249-1837 Monday-Friday (8:00am - 5:00pm).
NOTE: PSEG Long Island customers, please visit: www.psegliny.com/goelectric
Residential Customer - FAQs
The program was approved by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities in January 2021 to drive electric vehicle adoption among a wide range of customers by investing in the development of smart charging infrastructure. These investments help to offset the customer costs of preparing sites for EV charging (otherwise known as Make-Ready work). Some examples of Make-Ready work include but are not limited to costs associated with utility service line upgrades and extensions, as well as on-site costs to install panels, switchgears, conduits, and wires to the smart charger stub. Please note that customers are responsible for the costs of EV smart chargers.
The goal of the PSE&G EV Trade Ally Program is to help customers find a certified electrical contractor to install an EV charger(s) at their residential property. Participating contractors are given an expedited application review process, helping customers receive their EV charger installation incentives faster. Customers who choose to use a participating contractor can make this selection in their EV Application upon applying to the PSE&G EV Charging Program.
View the list of participating contractors.
Looking to become an EV Trade Ally? Go here to join the team!
Yes. However, if you participate in the PSE&G EV Charging Program and receive public funding from other state or federal EV incentive programs, you must notify PSE&G and the appropriate program(s) about your dual participation.
NOTE: The total combined funding of the state/federal EV incentive and the PSE&G EV Charging Program incentive must not exceed 90% of your total project costs. If this combination of funding exceeds 90% of the total project cost, PSE&G will adjust the Customer-Side Make-Ready (CSMR) incentive accordingly.
See the following links for additional information on state and federal incentives:
No. PSE&G’s EV Charging Program provides help with the cost of installing smart chargers, including costs for the service line extension/upgrade and the cost to make a site charger-ready. The program does not include a smart charger purchase rebate.
Yes. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:27D-141.18 et seq. “New Jersey Appliance and Equipment Efficiency Standards,” any Level 1 and Level 2 EVSE product with a date of manufacture after January 18, 2023, and sold or installed for compensation in New Jersey, must meet or exceed the “Energy Star Program Requirements Product Specification for Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment, Version 1.0”
To enroll in the PSE&G EV Charging Program, customers must obtain a permit for the installation of an EV smart charger and must pass a subsequent electrical inspection by the residing municipality. If your municipality does not require a permit, you must send PSE&G written confirmation from the municipality that a permit is not required.
There is no limit on the number of chargers you can install. Your application will be evaluated to determine the maximum allowable incentives based on several factors, including the number of smart chargers installed and the actual costs incurred.
Owners of single-family homes may complete installation work themselves in lieu of using New Jersey-licensed electricians. Customers who choose to complete their own installation are still required to obtain a permit and pass inspection to be approved for the PSE&G EV Charging Program. Homeowner labor will not be included as part of the Customer-Side Make-Ready incentive. However, materials purchased for the installation process can be included.
Residential customers are not required to have a separate meter for EV charging. If you choose to install an additional new service/meter for your EV charger, the meter would be billed at the General Lighting and Power Service (GLP) commercial rate. For example, if installing an additional meter for your garage, this would be billed at the GLP rate. Alternatively, if you connect your EV charger to your existing house meter, the charging would be billed at our Residential Service (RS) rate. Information about our rate schedules can be found here.
Having solar panels installed does not affect your eligibility to participate in the EV Charging Program. However, for net-metering customers, the EV usage to determine the Off-Peak Charging credit will be capped to the net consumption. The net consumption is the difference between the amount of electricity drawn from PSE&G when your solar panel system is not meeting your household needs, and the amount you exported when the panels were producing more than your household needs. Remember, you use the electricity from your solar panels first.
A PSE&G engineering technician will assess your electric service to determine if upgrades are needed to PSE&G’s infrastructure to support the additional electric load in a safe, reliable manner. A construction marketing representative will contact you directly should there be any costs associated with the upgrade. The USMR incentive will be factored into this cost estimate, which can lower or eliminate any costs you may be responsible for.
PSE&G requires the following documents:
- Copy of an itemized electrician’s/contractor’s invoice, marked “PAID” and clearly indicating:
- Detailed description of work performed
- Cost of work performed (labor plus equipment, excluding cost of charger(s) if purchased by your electrician or contractor)
- Date work was performed
- Customer name and installation address
- Electrician/contractor name, license number, and contact information
- Copy of ENERGY STAR® Certified Level 2 charger invoice - (Proof of Purchase) including manufacturer, model, power rating
- Confirmation of your charger ID (serial number) which could be a photo of the charger itself or a screenshot from the charger app
- Copy of Municipal closed permits provided to you by your municipality which includes:
- Permit number(s)
- Copy of U.C.C. Form F-222A (Approval for Electrical)
If payment is not clear, proof of payment will be requested.
If your municipality does not require a permit, you must send PSE&G written confirmation from your municipality stating that a permit is not required.
Make-ready incentives will be posted to your monthly PSE&G bill as a credit. When it appears as a credit, you can either use it to pay electric bill(s) until it is exhausted, or you can contact customer service at 1-800-249-1837 for a paper check to be sent directly to you.
Rate credits, such as the Off-Peak Charging credit will be issued to your bill monthly if applicable. There will be a one-month delay between the collection of charging data and the issuance of your credit. For example, this means you would receive a credit for your January charging usage on your February bill. Additionally, the data used to calculate rate credits will be for the billing cycle, and not the calendar month.
PSE&G uses vehicle telematics to support EV owners and promote smart charging behavior. The data collected through PSE&G’s telematics vendor Rolling energy Resources is essential for calculating accurate off-peak charging credits. This method of data collection includes periodic pings to the vehicle(s). A “ping” is a request that is sent to the vehicle generally on a 30-minute cadence. Some vehicles are pinged directly, while others are pinged indirectly through servers the auto manufacturer maintains. In cases where the vehicle is pinged directly, the vehicle may be “woken up” to give accurate information and may cause an average battery drain of 1-3% per day due to data collection. This is analogous to a cell phone receiving a notification. Pinging will happen during on and off-peak hours; the specific procedure varies depending on vehicle manufacturer.
For frequently asked questions regarding Rolling Energy Resources, visit: https://rollingenergyresources.com/.
Residential PSE&G electric customers interested in the EV Charging Program, are encouraged to use My Account to facilitate the application process. If you don’t already have My Account, click here to register. Alternatively, you can provide your account number and ZIP code to apply.
Chargers installed on or before Jan. 27, 2021, are not eligible for the Make-Ready incentives from the EV Charging Program, but are still eligible to receive the Off-Peak Charging credit. Chargers installed after Jan. 27, 2021, may be eligible for Make-Ready incentives depending upon compliance with the program requirements.
Yes. If you move, your current application will be automatically disenrolled when your PSE&G account is closed. If your new address is within PSE&G’s electric service territory, you can apply for all program incentives at the new address after your new PSE&G electric account is created. To be approved for incentives, you will need to inform us in writing, either in your application or by emailing PSEG-Electric.Vehicles@pseg.com, that you are moving your charger. If you do not inform us as such, we will detect the duplicate charger information, and your application will not be approved.
PSE&G will provide semiannual reports on the EV Charging Program deployment, which will include the following information:
- The estimated quantity of work and the quantity completed to date
- The usage and balance remaining of the $5 million Direct Current Fast Charging EV Commercial & Industrial Distribution Charge Rebate funding
- The forecasted and actual EV Charging Program capital costs to date for the reporting period and for the program to date
- The forecasted and actual EV Charging Program operations and maintenance expenses to date for the reporting period and for the program to date