EV Hosting Capacity Map

About EV Hosting Capacity Map

All Data is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer of service or guarantee that service will be available to any specific project at any specific location and the map and associated data provided is not intended to be a substitute for the established service application process. To obtain service, a formal application must be submitted for an official response by PSE&G.

PSE&G’s electrical grid is made up of a number of individual electric circuits.  There is a limit to the amount of electricity - including the electricity generated by a net-metered solar system - that an electric circuit can safely and reliably accommodate.

The map represents the remaining feeder capacity only and does not account for all factors, such as other loads in queue, that could impact EVSE interconnection costs. The map accounts for the most limited rating at the feeder head and does not account for any smaller rated equipment downstream of the feeder head (i.e.: step-down ratios or smaller conductors).

EV suitability, also referred to as hosting capacity, is the approximate amount of private energy resources that can be accommodated without adversely affecting power quality or reliability under existing control configurations, and without requiring major infrastructure upgrades. This geospatial map includes calculated, feeder-level values. Hosting capacity calculations will be refreshed on a regular basis with the arithmetic result of the maximum load value of any given circuit minus that same circuit’s peak load of that or the previous year which is equal to the anticipated remaining capacity displayed in the map below.

The load data is a raw data export and has not been reviewed and processed (weather adjusted, evaluated for meter error, fully adjusted to account for DER load modifiers, etc.).

This map displays the remaining available load capacity for the distribution circuits evaluated. The map included herein displays an estimate of the remaining circuit load capacity to help guide electric vehicle charging developers to areas where direct current fast charging (DCFC) electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) can likely interconnect with minimal needs for system reinforcement. Please note that this analysis was conducted under current configurations and prior to any planned infrastructure upgrades.

Capacity Map Color Legend:

EV Hosting Capacity Map Legend

Contact Us

Please contact us if you have any questions, comments or concerns. We can be reached by email at PSEG-Electric.Vehicles@pseg.com, or by phone at 1-800-249-1837.

NOTE: PSEG Long Island customer, please visit: www.psegliny.com/goelectric